Chemistry Lab with Shawn Millinder

A LONG list of experiments and required supplies will be distributed before the class starts.  

Participants will choose experiments based on the every day supplies in their kitchen or bathroom (since we are sheltering in place these days).  

On Fridays, the instructor will go online with the student(s), showing them what supplies are needed and explaining a little bit about the chemistry or the biology involved.   


I have been teaching for almost 25 years. I teach both Biology and Chemistry. I have held positions at colleges and high schools while teaching both these disciplines. I graduated with a BS in Biology in 1986 (USU) and a PhD in Molecular Biology (USC) in 1991. I have post-doctoral training in biological chemistry (1992-5, UCI). I have published a handful of scientific journal articles and I have been successful writing and receiving small grants. I also have an undergraduate minor in chemistry.

I have taught both high school students and college level students. I like to read about science and watch TV shows like PBS and NOVA that focus on science. I enjoy learning about ancient civilizations, listening to NPR podcasts and reading crime/mystery novels. I hike and lift weights, play racquetball or swim for exercise and have an interest in art and music. I like to create mosaics, do adult coloring and to cook. I am married and have two cats named Zippi and MistiMae. I have been recognized for my scores on several academic examinations and when I graduated from high school, I was offered a finalist in the national ROTC scholarship program.

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The next session is Friday, May 1, at 1 pm EDT | 10 am PDT | 5 pm UTC.
Kids under 12
Students can connect to the online platform using a tablet or computer with reliable internet. To actively participate online students also need a webcam with microphone. This live online class is capped at 20 students. The class is covered by the Lessonface Guarantee
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