The Business Side of Fiber Arts

About The Business Side of Fiber Arts

This class will cover: pricing, good images, in-person shows, and websites/social media. With guidance, participants will research products similar to what they create; determine best pricing for their product; learn how to take and share images; look for possible in-person shows in their region; review web platforms for selling online and determine what fits their needs. There will be homework, with the instructor as a guide and cheerleader. Attendees will need to find out what works best for their situation and product.

Week 1: Websites and social media platforms
Homework: Participants will review web platform options and determine what may best fit their situation.

Week 2: Good Images and sharing on Social Media
Homework: Participants will look for items similar to what they create for ideas. Practice taking images of at least two items and share with the group during the next session for feedback.

Week 3: Pricing, record-keeping, and other business expenses
Homework: Participants may do a time study, determine materials cost, or research prices of items similar to what they create and share what they learned during the next session.

Week 4: In-person shows: indoor/outdoor, application/fees, booth design
Homework: Research local shops In your area, attend shows, talk with vendors, evaluate booths, consider display options. Determine what you are comfortable with and will work best for you.

The capacity for this class is 20 students.

Age Range

Teens and Adults

Skill Level

Open to all levels - No experience necessary

Contact the Teacher

Send a direct message from the teacher's profile page with any questions you might have about the class.

Space is limited. Enroll now to reserve your spot.

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The class will meet for four weekly 2-hour live online sessions on Mondays at 7 pm ET on the schedule below. The first session is on September 9.

Enrolled students receive 30-day access to the video recordings of the classes.

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
The Business Side of Fiber Arts
Margery Erickson
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
The Business Side of Fiber Arts
Margery Erickson
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
The Business Side of Fiber Arts
Margery Erickson
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
The Business Side of Fiber Arts
Margery Erickson

How It Works

Enroll above to save your spot in the class. Lessonface will send you a confirmation right away, and a Zoom link 24 hours before each session's start time. You can log into your Lessonface dashboard to access class materials, communicate with your instructor, join the live Zoom session, and access the class recordings and chat transcript afterward. Contact us with any questions. This class, and all lessons and classes on Lessonface, are covered by the Lessonface Guarantee.

Margery Erickson

Margery Erickson

Margery has a Master's Degree in Education and taught high school special education for over 30 years. In the early 1990's she took several classes in weaving. One weaving class, one yard of fabric and she was hooked. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsman and is a Master Artisan in Handweaving.

MAFA - The MidAtlantic Fiber Association

MAFA - The MidAtlantic Fiber Association

The MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA) represents and supports a community of fiber arts guilds in the greater Mid-Atlantic region.

About Lessonface, PBC

Lessonface's mission is to help students achieve their goals while treating teachers equitably. Since 2012, we've hosted more than 30,000 students and 2,000 teachers for over 500,000 music, language, and arts lessons and classes online.

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