Beginner Flute with Lígia Silva - Starts Apr. 4

Beginner Flute

Learn or review basic concepts + playing tunes and improvising on it. 

At the end of this course, students will be able to: 

Reviewing/Learning the basics: Learn how to practice in order to achieve effective breathing, a clear sound, and clear and fast articulation.

Reviewing/Learning the basics: Understand how to hold the flute in a comfortable position to move fingers faster and in a relaxed way and how to work on embouchure to control the flute range and the dynamics. Getting comfortable with at least the first octave. 

Learn some basic tunes and how to start improvising on it. Students are encouraged to suggest their favorite tunes they’d like to work on. 


My name is Lígia Silva and I'm a flutist and saxophonist. I studied classical flute and jazz saxophone in ESMAE (Porto, Portugal) where I got both degrees. Later I specialized in music teaching in my master degree in University of Aveiro, Portugal. I've also studied in Antwerp Conservatorium, under the ERASMUS program. At this moment I alternate between saxophone and flute in several projects.

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The class will meet for four 45-min live online sessions on Saturdays at 1 pm EDT | 10 am PDT | 5 pm GMT.

  • April 4
  • April 11
  • April 18
  • April 25

Students can connect to the online platform using a tablet or computer with reliable internet. To actively participate online students also need a webcam with microphone. The live sessions are recorded so that all enrolled students can review the class sessions following the live class. Class recordings will be available for viewing within 48 hours of the live class. This live online class is capped at 8 students. The class is covered by the Lessonface Guarantee



Enrolling students receive a promo code for 10% off 5 or more one-on-one lessons with Lígia Silva.

Signed up already? Click here.
Book One-on-One Online Lessons with Lígia Silva
Beginner Saxophone with Ligia Silva also starts April 4
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