Etymology 101: The Origin of Words - Starts Feb. 11

Learn etymology, the fascinating study of words, their evolution, and how they change in unexpected ways!

Learning vocabulary/word history with Latin, Greek, general Indo-European etymology. Learning etymology and where words come from, as well as how to build English vocabulary though Latin/Greek and other Indo-European languages. This is as much to teach the methods of my curiosity with languages as it is to share common etymologies or roots; to develop a system in which one remembers to pay attention to their daily vocabulary and watch it change over time though the more common etymology resources or just common dictionaries. Perhaps going very far back to the oldest Indo-European roots to bind a surprising number of seemingly unrelated or conceptually-different words.



Dane has created a system of lifelong, systematic digestion of information. He wishes to hear the subjects he tutors explained through many different voices, so that he may select the ideal method for each student. Likewise, he desires to see the approach of as many students as possible to compile a nuanced portfolio of the most common struggles.

Creativity and optimism are the qualities he most values in an instructor. He has won local and national awards in Latin and inorganic chemistry, and enjoyed surprising his college instructors with enthusiastic monologues on the molecules he found the most fascinating.

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The class will meet for three live online sessions on Tuesdays at 8 pm Eastern Time / 5 pm Pacific Time.
  • February 11
  • February 18
  • February 25

Enrolled students receive lifetime access to watch the video recordings of the classes.

Students can connect to the online platform using a tablet or computer with reliable internet. To actively participate online students also need a webcam with microphone. The live sessions are recorded so that all enrolled students can review the class sessions following the live class. Class recordings will be available for viewing within 48 hours of the live class. This live online class is capped at 8 students. The class is covered by the Lessonface Guarantee
Etymology enthusiasts.
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