Heavenly Hymns for Piano

"Heavenly Hymns for Piano"

Composers: Gordon, Wesley, WILLIS, Hedge, Neander, Bradbury, Crosby, Knapp, Bliss, Warner, Newton, Dykes, Spafford, Bennett, Scriven, Heber, Featherston, Seiss, Converse, Folk Song, Stevenson, Winkworth, Luther, Doane

Arranger Kathryn Carpenter

Description of Heavenly Hymns for Piano:
* Advanced hymn arrangements
* Potential pieces for worship services, weddings, events!
* 46 pages in length (including title page)
* Include familiar hymns such as, "It is Well," "Fairest Lord Jesus," "Blessed Assurance, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God," "Christ the Lord is Risen Today," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Amazing Grace," and "I Sing the Mighty Power of God"

Kathryn Carpenter

Kathryn Carpenter

Let's make music fun!! One of the most important jobs as a music teacher is to develop a lifetime love of music! When a student enjoys piano, then practicing is much more fun! What kind of music would you like to make? If you interested in learning chords, improvising, or studying traditional piano, consider me as a potential teacher! I have developed material (including PDF

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